Bride and Groom

About The Bride

Angela Marie Eubanks was born in Louisville, KY to Pam and Larry Eubanks. She lived there until she was 3 when her dad finished his PhD and got a job preaching in Jefferson GA . Home videos prove that she was a southern belle at one point with that thick accent. After moving to Frederick MD in 5th grade, she has since lost most of that accent.

Angela graduated from University of Maryland in 2007 Go Terps!! In the summer of 2011 Angela started working towards a double Master’s degree. Angela graduated May 2013 with her first Masters, management of nonprofits and associations. Angela finished up her second degree, an MBA and walked across the stage in May 2014. 

Angela currently works for a nonprofit in Washington DC, So Others Might Eat (SOME). Angela is a case manager at one of their low income housing properties, working with formally homeless and extremely poor residents to learn how to be financially stable and independent. Angela also runs the buildings after school program, spending her afternoon hanging out with the youth of the building. 

Angela loves hanging out with Eric and their puppy Enzo -especially when they are cheering on the Redskins, baking and blogging.

About The Groom

Eric Bryan Mendelson was born in Santiago, Chile and was adopted by Ava and Philip Mendelson. 

Eric grew up in Gaithersburg MD and swam, played volleyball and was in the marching band. During his teenage years he began to explore photography working with a local photographer as an assistant. This became a passion for Eric and he went to Towson University and graduated in 2005 with and Art degree, with hopes of starting his own wedding photography business.

Eric is currently working for Lifetouch, shooting school sports for the most part, with some proms and homecomings as well, while trying to get his business up and running. Eric has been the photographer for weddings of friends and is looking to expand more in the upcoming year. Besides photography, Eric likes camping, biking and hiking, plus watching the Redskins and Caps.

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